Clown Car, Call Me [Brackets]
My Husband's Name, Hobart After Dark
two poems, August 2019. Dirt Children (print only)
Finalist, NYC Midnight Flash Fiction Contest 2016-2017
A Collective Victory for a Radical Bookstore, Publisher's Weekly
Me Today: Shetland Islands, June 1 2019, Popula
My Hometown: Duluth, MN, Popula
Best of 2018 Blurbs, #9 "Salt Fat Acid Heat", FLOOD Magazine
Best of 2018 Blurbs, #10 "Widows", FLOOD Magazine
Mary Shelley's Biopic Fails to Reanimate Her Legacy, FLOOD Magazine
Inside the Box, Bright Wall/Dark Room
The Force That Through The Green Fuse Drives The Flower, Bright Wall/Dark Room
Echo Location, Real Life Mag
Suzanne Vega, One Week // One Band
Regina Spektor (with Sophia Nyogu), One Week // One Band
Enya, One Week // One Band